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Welcome to my blog!

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Have you ever thought, “I just wish I had someone who is neutral to call and ask how to handle this situation?”

Welcome to my blog! I’m so delighted to have this platform to communicate with visitors coming to my site and looking for more out of life. I am in a unique position to walk people through some of the most trying times of life and watch them come out the other side with new outlooks and healed hearts and minds, where they find themselves again and thrive.

I plan to use this blog site to pour into lives through writing and speak to the many people who, for whatever reason, won’t find themselves on the other side of the telehealth screen from me. So, if you are finding this for the first time, stay tuned! This blog will be your gateway to a therapist’s mind, and you may just find clarity to those questions you are so desperately needing answers for.

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